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If You Struggle to Achieve Orgasm: Causes, Signs, and Solutions with Pelvic Floor PT


Experiencing difficulty achieving orgasm is a common issue for both men and women. This can be a source of significant frustration and distress, affecting overall quality of life and intimate relationships. While many factors contribute to orgasmic difficulties, one often overlooked area is the health and function of the pelvic floor muscles. In this blog, we'll explore the causes of orgasmic challenges, signs to watch out for, and how Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy (PT) can provide effective treatment options.

Factors Contributing to Difficulty Achieving Orgasm

Physical Factors

For both men and women, physical factors can play a significant role in achieving orgasm. These can include medical conditions such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hormonal imbalances, and chronic pain conditions like endometriosis or prostatitis. Additionally, pelvic floor dysfunction, which includes muscle tightness, weakness, or lack of coordination, can significantly impact sexual function.

Psychological Factors

Mental health is deeply connected to sexual function. Stress, anxiety, depression, and past trauma can all contribute to difficulties in achieving orgasm. Performance anxiety and negative body image also play a role in sexual dissatisfaction.


Certain medications, particularly antidepressants, antihypertensives, hair loss, and medications for chronic pain, can interfere with sexual function. These drugs may reduce libido, alter hormone levels, or directly affect the nerves responsible for sexual arousal and orgasm.

Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle choices such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and lack of physical activity can also affect sexual health. Poor diet and lack of sleep further exacerbate these issues, contributing to reduced sexual satisfaction.

Top 10 Signs You Might Be Struggling to Achieve Orgasm

  1. Prolonged Time to Reach Orgasm

    • Taking much longer than usual to achieve orgasm, despite adequate stimulation.

  2. Inability to Achieve Orgasm

    • Complete inability to reach orgasm during sexual activity or masturbation.

  3. Decreased Sexual Satisfaction

    • Feeling unsatisfied with sexual experiences, even if orgasm is achieved.

  4. Reduced Libido

    • A noticeable decline in sexual desire or interest.

  5. Pain During Sex

    • Experiencing discomfort or pain during intercourse, which can inhibit orgasm.

  6. Tension in Pelvic Area

    • Feeling tightness or discomfort in the pelvic region.

  7. Erectile Dysfunction

    • For men, difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection.

  8. Lack of Vaginal Lubrication

    • For women, insufficient lubrication, making sex uncomfortable or painful.

  9. Emotional Distress

    • Feelings of frustration, sadness, or anxiety related to sexual activity.

  10. Avoidance of Sexual Activity

    • Choosing to avoid sexual encounters due to fear of failure or discomfort.

The Role of Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy

Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy (PT) is a specialized form of therapy focused on the muscles, ligaments, and tissues of the pelvic floor. These muscles support the bladder, bowel, and reproductive organs, playing a crucial role in sexual function.


A pelvic floor PT begins with a thorough pelvic assessment to identify issues related to muscle strength, flexibility, and coordination. This assessment helps in creating a personalized treatment plan aimed at addressing specific dysfunctions that may be contributing to orgasmic difficulties.

Treatment Techniques

  1. Pelvic Floor Exercises

    • Kegel exercises and other strengthening techniques help improve muscle tone and control, enhancing sexual function.

  2. Manual Therapy

    • Hands-on techniques to release tension, improve blood flow, and enhance muscle function. This can include internal and external muscle manipulation.

  3. Biofeedback

    • Using sensors and manual techniques to provide real-time feedback on pelvic floor muscle activity, helping patients learn to control these muscles more effectively.

  4. Education

    • Providing information about anatomy, function, and techniques to improve sexual health and function.

  5. Relaxation Techniques

    • Teaching relaxation exercises to reduce pelvic floor tension and anxiety related to sexual activity.

Benefits of Pelvic Floor PT

  • Enhanced Sexual Function

    • Improved muscle strength and coordination can lead to more satisfying sexual experiences and easier achievement of orgasm.

  • Reduced Pain

  • Increased Confidence

    • Better understanding and control of pelvic floor muscles can boost confidence and reduce anxiety related to sexual performance.

  • Overall Pelvic Health

    • Improved pelvic floor function supports bladder and bowel health, contributing to overall well-being.


If you struggle to achieve orgasm, it's essential to understand that you're not alone and that help is available. Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy offers a comprehensive approach to addressing the physical aspects of sexual dysfunction, providing effective and lasting solutions. By focusing on the health and function of the pelvic floor muscles, you can enhance your sexual satisfaction and overall quality of life.

Don't hesitate to seek help from a board certified pelvic floor physical therapist. They can provide personalized care and support to help you overcome difficulties and achieve a more fulfilling sexual experience. Remember, addressing the issue early can prevent long-term problems and improve your overall health and well-being.

For more information or to schedule an appointment with a pelvic floor physical therapist, visit Chicago Pelvic Health. Let's work together to ensure you enjoy a healthy and satisfying sex life.

Written by:

Dr. Jana Richardson, PT, DPT, WCS, PRPC, CIDN
Dual Board Certified Pelvic Floor Therapist and Owner of Chicago Pelvic Health

Dr. Jana Richardson is a highly accomplished pelvic floor therapist with dual board certifications and extensive experience in treating complex pelvic floor dysfunctions. As the owner of Chicago Pelvic Health, Dr. Richardson is dedicated to providing personalized and effective care for her patients. With a Doctorate in Physical Therapy, and specialized certifications in Women’s Health and Pelvic Rehabilitation, Dr. Richardson is a leading expert in her field. She is also certified in Integrative Dry Needling, further enhancing her ability to offer comprehensive treatment plans. Dr. Richardson’s commitment to patient-centered care and her passion for helping individuals achieve optimal pelvic health make her an invaluable asset to the community.

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