Is My Bladder Working Correctly? Signs You Might Have Bladder Dysfunction:


As a Dual Board Certified Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist with years of experience, I've seen it all. From the subtle signs of bladder dysfunction to the more glaringly obvious ones, it’s clear that many people are in need of a little pelvic floor TLC. Let's dive into the signs you might be dealing with bladder dysfunction, the early warning signs, and the top indicators that it’s time to book a session with your friendly neighborhood pelvic PT.

The Early Signs of Bladder Dysfunction

  1. Frequent Bathroom Trips: Do you feel like you're spending more time in the bathroom than anywhere else? If you’re visiting the loo more often than your favorite coffee shop, it might be an early sign of bladder dysfunction.

  2. Urgency with Little Output: If your bladder’s been calling you to the bathroom like it’s an emergency only to give you a few drops of relief, it’s time to pay attention.

  3. Waking Up at Night: Sure, waking up to use the bathroom once in a while is normal, but if you’re playing musical chairs with your bed and the bathroom multiple times a night, your bladder might be trying to tell you something.

  4. Weak Stream: When you finally make it to the bathroom, is your stream more of a trickle? A weak urine stream can be an early indicator that your pelvic floor muscles aren’t working as they should.

  5. Leakage: A little dribble when you sneeze, laugh, or lift something heavy might seem minor, but these little leaks can be a big sign of pelvic floor dysfunction.

The Top Signs You Need Pelvic PT Right Now

  1. Bathroom Mapping: If you can mentally map out every bathroom in your city because you need to know where they all are, you definitely need to see a pelvic PT.

  2. Constant Urgency: If your bladder has you running to the bathroom like it’s an Olympic sport, only to have your performance fall flat, you’re a prime candidate for pelvic PT.

  3. Frequent Nighttime Visits: If your bladder is waking you up more than your alarm clock, it’s time to get some help. Let’s face it, no one likes playing peek-a-boo with their bathroom at 2 AM.

  4. Painful Peeing: If your bathroom visits come with a side of pain, this isn’t just an inconvenience – it’s a sign that something is wrong. Painful urination is a big red flag that you need to address with a professional.

  5. Accidents: If you’re having more accidents than a toddler, it’s time to admit that you need some professional help. While adult diapers are a thing, let’s keep them as a last resort, shall we?

What Can These Dysfunctions Lead To?

Ignoring the signs of bladder dysfunction can lead to more serious health issues and a significant decrease in your quality of life. Here are some of the potential complications:

  1. Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs): Frequent and incomplete bladder emptying can increase your risk of UTIs, which can be painful and disruptive.

  2. Chronic Kidney Issues: Persistent bladder problems can lead to more serious kidney issues, as the bladder and kidneys are closely connected in the urinary system.

  3. Bladder Stones: When urine is not fully expelled from the bladder, it can lead to the formation of bladder stones, which can cause severe pain and infections.

  4. Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Over time, chronic bladder dysfunction can weaken the pelvic floor muscles to the point where pelvic organs, like the bladder, can prolapse, causing even more discomfort and dysfunction.

  5. Severe Incontinence: Without proper treatment, what starts as minor leakage can develop into severe incontinence, impacting daily activities and overall quality of life.

  6. Impact on Mental Health: Chronic bladder issues can lead to anxiety, depression, and social isolation due to the fear of accidents and the constant need to be near a bathroom.

Connecting the Bladder and Behavior

Now that we’ve covered the serious stuff, let’s lighten the mood. Bladder dysfunction can be a real pain, but humor is a great way to cope and bring awareness. Here are a few relatable scenarios that might make you chuckle and say, “Yep, that’s me!”

  • The “Just in Case” Pee: Ever gone to the bathroom “just in case” before leaving the house, only to find yourself needing to go again five minutes later? It’s like your bladder has a mind of its own, playing tricks on you just for fun.

  • The Bathroom Sprint: Picture this – you’re in the middle of a meeting, trying to maintain your professional composure, when suddenly, your bladder decides it’s go time. The sprint to the bathroom is on, and you’re praying no one notices your desperate dash.

  • The Shopping Trip Dilemma: You’re out shopping, having a great time, but your bladder is the ultimate party pooper. Every store you visit, you’re greeted by the staff with a friendly, “Can I help you?” and all you can think is, “Where’s the bathroom?”

  • The Nighttime Juggle: If you’ve ever done the nighttime juggle of trying to get to the bathroom in the dark without stubbing your toe or waking up your partner, you’re not alone. Bonus points if you’ve perfected the ninja-like moves to avoid waking anyone.

Why Pelvic PT is Your Best Friend

So, why should you consider pelvic PT? Here’s the scoop: Pelvic floor physical therapy is designed to help you regain control over your bladder and improve your quality of life. As a pelvic floor PT, I’ve seen firsthand the incredible benefits that patients experience. From reducing frequency and urgency to eliminating pain and accidents, pelvic PT can make a world of difference.

Personalized Treatment Plans: Every bladder is unique, and so is every treatment plan. We’ll work together to create a plan that’s tailored to your specific needs and goals.

Strengthening Exercises: Strengthening your pelvic floor muscles can help you gain better control over your bladder. It’s like a workout for your undercarriage – and who doesn’t love a good workout?

Behavioral Strategies: We’ll explore strategies to help you manage urgency and frequency, so you’re not at the mercy of your bladder’s whims.

Education and Support: Understanding your condition and knowing you’re not alone can be incredibly empowering. We’ll provide the education and support you need to take charge of your bladder health.

Anecdotes and Encouragement: Remember, you’re not the only one dealing with this. Many people experience bladder dysfunction, and with the right help, you can overcome it. Plus, sharing a laugh over relatable experiences can make the journey a bit more enjoyable.


Bladder dysfunction can be frustrating, embarrassing, and downright inconvenient, but it doesn’t have to take over your life. Recognizing the signs and seeking help from a pelvic floor PT can put you on the path to better bladder health and a more comfortable, confident life. So, if any of these signs sound familiar, don’t wait – reach out to your local pelvic PT today. And remember, a little humor goes a long way in making the journey more manageable. After all, laughter might just be the best medicine (alongside pelvic PT, of course)!

I hope you enjoyed this humorous and informative guide to bladder dysfunction. If you’re ready to take control of your bladder health, contact us at Chicago Pelvic Health and let’s get started on your journey to better bladder control and a happier, healthier you!

Written by:

Dr. Jana Richardson, PT, DPT, WCS, PRPC, CIDN
Dual Board Certified Pelvic Floor Therapist and Owner of Chicago Pelvic Health

Dr. Jana Richardson is a highly accomplished pelvic floor therapist with dual board certifications and extensive experience in treating complex pelvic floor dysfunctions. As the owner of Chicago Pelvic Health, Dr. Richardson is dedicated to providing personalized and effective care for her patients. With a Doctorate in Physical Therapy, and specialized certifications in Women’s Health and Pelvic Rehabilitation, Dr. Richardson is a leading expert in her field. She is also certified in Integrative Dry Needling, further enhancing her ability to offer comprehensive treatment plans. Dr. Richardson’s commitment to patient-centered care and her passion for helping individuals achieve optimal pelvic health make her an invaluable asset to the community.

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